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Day 8: Daily Activity (Eng Ver.)

Thursday, February 14, 2019

          Morning friends, today is not a lucky day for me, today I had a bad day, so this morning my father not take me to the Campus, You all maybe have a question why I was delivered? the problem is that I haven't been able to ride a motorcycle, huhuhu. So this morning I left from my home with motorists booked through an online application, and this morning I was late, argghhhh~.

          When I arrived at the campus, I immediately rushed to Kitchen, even though I knew I was late, but at least I was still struggling, hehe. So, without realizing it, it turned out that when I headed to campus, my valuable glasses, which accompanied me to study and fight in the Kitchen, were gone!!!, WHAT THE!?!?! to look for my glasses, but the results still can't found that.

          While doing the practice it can be said, I did not play an important role, because my eye was so hard to see, so sad ?, so in the morning I only helped my friends to pick up items, peel boiled eggs that would be served at the Breakfast, and also wash equipment which has been used.

          Until finally I saw my friend who was making eggs "Turn Over" which in my opinion, it seemed I could help him, and yes ... I offered to help, and I was still able to fry eggs, hehehe. When all the food was finished and some had been served into the Campus Restaurant, we finally waited for further instructions, and found that the food that had been brought into the restaurant was enough.

Then Mr. Faisal came to order or summon 5 students from all of us to study English into the small library, which I called were Me, Dina, Rindi, Rezki, and Rizky. When we arrived in the room, it turned out there was already a student from abroad who was waiting for us, his name was Anastasya from Switzerland, he was really friendly and kind, but the teaching this time was not maximal, because most of my friends only stayed because they were lacking know a lot of vocabulary.

Learning with Miss Anastasya is really fun in my opinion, because I can still understand her words, finish learning, we did not forget to take a photo with Miss Anastasya as a memento, and after that the camp finally did General Cleaning and went home to recover our energy has been drained today.

Special Thanks To Miss Anastasya & Her Friends <3 <3 <3



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