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Day 16: Daily Activity (Eng Ver.)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Today I continue or finish the menu that was prepared yesterday, because today there are two menus practiced so we also divided the group into two who worked on the fuel cone and some of them worked on the tom yum. In the process of processing it does not require a very long time, just mix all the ingredients into the shrimp stock stew, then seasoning.

What makes the second process of making the second menu is the roasted konro menu due to an error in the processing technique, which should use a pressure cooker technique but instead uses the boil technique in the stockpot. Supposedly by using pressure cook techniques we not only save time but we can also make the meat tender quickly.

Because the pressure inside the pressure cook makes it soft, the temperature of the heat that stays in the pressure cooker rotates and makes the meat soft. Communication errors here occur due to a lack of information between groups and this is one of the weaknesses in the team, this can also be very fatal.

Lack of communication in a team can damage everything, especially with food or menus that cannot wait too long or food that must be released simultaneously. This can be very influential but this can still be tolerated, because we are all still in the learning stage with the passage of time I believe all teams can communicate with each other well.

As a result of being wrong in using the technique, we finally need a long time to cook the conro. Too long and too much energy, all groups have finished all the dishes but my group is still working on the burnt conro.

Not to mention the added time for plating to be presented and presented to lecturers who teach. We were very overwhelmed and finally assisted by another group to help burn the burning conro, with the presence of other groups that helped really relieved our burden. Finally we can finish all the menus quickly.

After finishing, we also oneline again and then general cleaning, as usual after the general cleaning, wait for it to dry and then discharged. after the floor is dry we also oneline again and are absent, then get advice from Mr. Iical. followed by preparing the class and then praying and going home.


8 beef short ribs evenly
3 L beef stock
4 bay leaf
50 gr tamarind pulp soaked in
200 ml warm beef stock for 10 minutes
50 gr freshly grated coconut, roasted golden. This is best done in a non-stick pan. heat 2 tbsp of coconut and roast until golden over medium heat, while frequently stirring. 1 pinch salt and crushed white pepper to taste 

50 ml coconut or vegetable oil
120 gr shallots, peeled and sliced
40 gr garlic. peeled and sliced
30 gr black nut (keluak)
40 gr galangal, peeled and sliced
30 gr ginger, peeled and sliced
2 stalks lemograss bruised and finely sliced
3 bay leaf
1/2 tsp white peppercorns crushed
1 tsp coriander roasted golden and crushed 

1. Bring 5 liters of water to a fast boil. Add beef ribs, mix well, and bring water quickly back to a boil. Simmer for one minute. strain and discard the water. Rinse beef ribs qiuckly under running water. Dray ribs welll.
2. For the sipce paste combine all ingredients except the oil and the salam leaves in a stone mortar or food processor and grind untill very fine.
3. heat oil in pressure ciiker pot. add both spice paste and salam leaves and saute over medium heat until spices are fragrant and color changes
4. fill pot with beef stock and bring to simmer. Strain tamarind pulp through a very fine sieve into the beef stock. Add roasted coconut and beef ribs and bring to boil.
 5. Bring to a boil and cover with the pressure cooker lid and bring to full pressure of 1 bar/15 psi. Once the pressure cooker starts torelease pressure reduce heat to smallest possible setting, this to maintain full pressure. The pressure cooker should release only very small amountss of steam. pressure cook for 90 minutes turn off heat and allow cooker ro cool and to de pressurieze for 30 minutes.
6. open cooker, remove ribs from stock and allow drying for 30 minutes. Strain soup and season with salt adn crushed white pepper.
7. Grill short ribs over very high heat golden brown, frequently basting with a little coconut or vegetable oil. Once golden grilled season with salt and crushed white pepper.
8. Garnish ribs with fried shallots and finely sliced leek and chinese celery. Serve a bowel with beef soup in wich the ribs where cooked on the side. Absolute essential as a condiment is a creamy peanut dip and a spicy chilli sauce. 

100 ml water
2 stalks fresh lemongrass cut into 1 inch pece; or 2 pc dried
3 slices fresh galangal root (smashed)
3 fresh kafir lime leave 1 tbsp tamarind paste 1 tbsp fish sauce
300 gr shrimps, medium to large size, shelled and deveined; butterfly if desired
12 thai chilli peppers 1/2 pcs small white onion, cut 1/4 inch slices
2 tbsp roasted chilli paste
1 can straw mushrooms
1 pcs ripe tomato
1 pcs lime, squeezed
2 springs fresh cilantro 

1. Bring water to a boil over high heat in a medium-sized saucepan
2. Add the lemongrass, galangal, kafir lime leaf, fish sauce and tamarind paste (break apart the tamarind paste with your fingers as you add it). Add the shrimp, bring to a boil and cook 3 minutes.
3. Add the onion, nam prik pao and straw mushrooms. Boil for another 7 minutes until the shrimps is cooked through. Add the lime juice. Taste to adjust the seasoning, adding fish sauce to taste.
4. garnish with cilantro, roasted whole chilli peppers and a splash of coconut milk if desired and serve hot.


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