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Day 18: Daily Activity (Eng Ver.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Hi, friends? How are you? Hopefully all of you always become my loyal readers, even though my blog is boring, hahaa. On this day I will tell you the continuation of my breakfast group in making croissants, all you have to know is, making croissants is very difficult.

In this morning, my group friend and I arrived at 6 am to finish the croissants quickly, and returned to the rotation menu group, after we started removing the dough that we left overnight in the chiller, we finally took out the mixture and we formed. In making this time, we try to be careful in rolling and folding this mixture, then we bake it.

After this croissant is finished roasting, we are not satisfied with the results of this Croissant, finally we make it again in a hurry, so the results obtained are not optimal, or can say instead this croissant fails again, 1 thing that is very regrettable, that it turns out breakfast is not the time for us to prepare it, if we are told from the beginning, we will not rush to make these croissants.

Today is really a tiring day, in the afternoon we are also called by Mr. Faisal. I, Sasa, Ayu, & Anjani were really scared, and right, we rebuked because we didn't finish making croissants, we were blamed for dirtying the section that not only the four of us used it, but there were friends and groups from other departments who used it. We were very sad, my friends cried to tears, but we tried to get up again, and continued making croissants, we considered all this a lesson.

After failing up to 3 times, we finally made another croissant for 4 times, during this time, too many of my friends helped, which made me dizzy and confused, too many inputs and suggested recipes, finally this time the dough doesn't work anymore.

Evenings arrived, finally our seniors named Ikki and Gita helped us, because of the quiet atmosphere and our friends who had come home first, we became more concentrated, we made this croissant mixture very well, we even read on google , and see how to make it on youtube, then we save the batter that has been wrapped with Croissant Fat into the freezer, so that the mixture doesn't expand, and finally we go home and hope that tomorrow our Croissant can succeed.


This is what I and my group friends should practice today, sorry I can't give you information about the rotation menu this time, because today I am busy making croissants.


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