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Day 19: Daily Activity (Eng Ver.)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Today, I wake up early, tired? Yes. Tired? Yes. Sleepy? Definitely!. Hahaha, the morning I read all, congratulations on seeing me again in making Croissant part 3, Hopefully today can run smoothly.

Like yesterday, the four of us had to get up early again, in order to quickly complete our croissants, we also remembered the instructions from our senior Gita. We took out the croissant mixture from the freezer and let it stand for a moment so that it was not too frozen, about half an hour we left it, because the mixture was really hard and couldn't be formed because it was still frozen.

After finally the dough is soft enough, finally we start rolling this croissant dough, and start folding it, until the next multiple we start to get dizzy, because the dough starts to tear, finally we start asking Anthony, our senior. We were given input in a number of folds in making Croissants, Finally we decided to fold the Croissant once again, and put it into the chiller.

After half an hour, we finally took it out and formed the dough, when we asked our friend for help, during the formation process he folded the Croissant dough again, which made the croissant dough crumble and melt after being roasted.

Even this afternoon, we were called back by Mr. Faisal, we were very anxious, because our dough failed, because of our friend's negligence, we finally took the initiative to use the leftover croissants yesterday and we put it off with croissants today, then we showed them to Sir. Faisal, this time he was not angry, we were told to repeat our dough, the four of us were very embarrassed because we continually failed to make the same product for the 7th time.

Finally we made a new strategy, the four of us will make croissants in 3 different ways, I made Croissants using recipes from the seniors they got from the Hotel during their training, Ayu made Croissants use recipes from "Professional Cooking Book", Sasa & Anjani who using a recipe from Anthonius, and who would have thought? Sasa and Anjani's Croissants were successful, we were very happy because our strategy was successful, finally we showed our Croissants to Sir. Faisal, and you know? we continued to repeat it the next day, SEE U NEXT DAY ALL MY FRIENDS, LUV U SO MUCH !!


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